Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is FACEBOOK really overpopulated or a FAKE chain message to your inbox?

You may be receiving these kind of messeges from your "facebook" friends that facebook is overpopulated and no such storage space to manage so please forward message so that we can confirm .It looks like after the movie "social networking" Mark Zuckerberg is known to every one and people are believing in these messeges. It is actually a chain message (just to spread,nothing else) like you receive occasionally on your Cell-phone as forward these to 10 people if you love your parents and if you ignore...,**** or like pass these to 5 people in the name of lord ,etc.I also received from asome of my friends so decided to find a truth behind it and to give a proper information.

The original body of message is like this that you all may have received(and also you may have forwarded!!) :

Facebook is recently becoming very overpopulated. There have been many members complaining that Facebook is becoming very slow. Records show that the reason is that there are many active Facebook members and, on the other side, many new Facebook members.

We will be sending this message around to see if members are active or not. If you are active please send to at least 15 other users using Copy+ Paste to show that you are still active. *Those who do not send this message within 2 weeks will be deleted without hesitation to create more space.*

Send this message to all your friends and to show me that your still active and you will not be deleted.
Founder of Facebook,
Mark Zuckerberg . .

Technical details:
Chain message /hoax
Circulating since:
Dec. 2007 (it has many versions ,current is 2010,on 2007 was also known as facebook version).

Now think practically each and every statement.TheFacebook team earns millions of dollars on our single click(or even a single login) or wall post or uploading,tagging etc.So can't they buy a new server or intelligent employees to manage?
Also as a owner does he has to make chain message to confirm that it is overpopulating?

For the record, Facebook officials have made no such announcement. Moreover, businesses operating on this scale don't issue misspelled and ungrammatical chain letters to their members. Even if they did, they wouldn't say they "need to get rid of some people" to make room for everyone else.

Official statement from Facebook:

We will never use any of the following methods to tell you information, or ask for you to take an action:
  • Your Wall
  • An inbox message from a friend—in other words, chain letters.
  • Messages spread through Applications—if an application is telling you that Facebook is about to shut down, report it.
Since there's been a lot of wrong information about Facebook spreading around, we'd like to clarify a few things for the record:
  • We are not shutting down accounts that are not "active" enough.
  • We are not going to start charging you to use Facebook.
  • We will never ask you to send us your password or login information.
  • We will never put the responsibility on YOU to send information to your friends. If we have information we need to share, it's our job to get the word out.
  • When we do communicate to you about the site (with the exception of posts made on this blog) it will always be from a collective Facebook. You won't hear from me, personally, or from Mark, or from Dustin, or from any of the Facebook bloggers you've seen here.


File this message in the trash bin where it belongs and ignore it completely.

Some time this kind of messages may contain spam or viruses so be careful.

Happy Face-booking,